Transfix Travis #6 The One Who Tried and Tried for Over a Decade

Travis is one of those good guys. The kind that becomes obsessed with one thing until he masters it or wins it over. Travis transfixes his love on Lynette on the first day he set eyes on her in tenth grade, but she can’t see the amazing man will become.
Lynette spends ten years on the receiving end of Travis’s devotion. Always a phone call away. Always there to tease. Over the years, she tests the boundaries of his obsession with her. One day she takes her seduction too far and can’t take it back. She faces loosing her true love and panics.
Travis stays transfixed in her path. He is after all one of the good guys. What Lynette does to fix the wrong she’s done to Travis, surprises both of them. Take a look inside to find out for yourself.


Available exclusively for purchase and to borrow with Kindle Unlimited only on Amazon.

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